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ISSUED: 3-20-2023
This is SCARS, the South Coast Amateur Radio Service. This net is conducted under the guidelines of the SCARS organization, which follows the rules outlined in FCC Part 97 and good amateur practice.
The SCARS server is supplied by the “The Great Lakes Reflector System (provided by W8MW)” and all contacts, and requests for information will be handled through the Net Host.
For personal traffic with another station, please move off this system and establish your contact direct so the net may continue. Since this is a rag chew net we do encourage stations to stay around and participate in the ongoing conversation. All stations will be worked in the order in which they checked in.
Information regarding our operation may be found at
Your Net Host for this session is ________, I am Located in _____________
Emergency traffic always has priority. Is there any emergency or priority traffic that needs to be handled at this time.
Do we have anyone celebrating their birthday or anniversary this week?
The purpose of this moderated Rag Chew is to bring our members and nonmembers together in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. This is a caring fellowship allowing us to share informal updates, have fun, make new friends, and of course -- chew the rag.
All amateurs worldwide are welcome and encouraged to join us in the rag chew.
Please be advised that this Net might be recorded for future presentation on the SCARS website as a podcast. If recorded, all stations participating will be a part of that recording.
This has been the SCARS rag chew. VOIP net schedules and general information may be found on the SCARSVOIP.COM Web site.
Your Net Host for this session has been __________, Saying 73, and closing this VOIP session. Thank you for your participation. May peace and blessings go with you. This net is now closed -- _________ will be clear.